Our Brand Story

Hey y'all! It's me, Annie, the founder of Living Golden! I wanted to dedicate today's post to telling you about my goals + heart behind Living Golden. It's easy to visit a website or follow a company on Instagram without knowing the why behind their brand. My goal for Living Golden is to be so much more than just an online boutique. I want for women to be able to come to my site and find clothing that fits their everyday lifestyle that they can afford and that helps boost their confidence and makes them feel empowered. I know confidence and empowerment is way deeper than throwing on a cute dress (we'll get to that in a minute), but I do know that when I feel cute in an outfit, I'm more productive and it brings a smile to my face.

First, I'll start with sharing a little bit about myself. I love Georgia Football, my Golden Retriever Maverick, and Feta cheese! I'm 22 years old and Living Golden is my second company I've started. My first business is Elizabeth Events and it's an event planning business based in Nashville that I started in 2018. So, in addition to running Living Golden, I'm also a full-time wedding planner! I'm so incredibly blessed to have two businesses that I love and am passionate about.


Now, let's dive a little deeper into Living Golden. I first got inspired by my Golden Retriever, Maverick. You don't have to know me for very long before realizing I am a crazy dog mama and I'm completely obsessed with him. Although he was my inspiration, there is so much more meaning behind Living Golden. It got me thinking, what does it truly mean to live golden? To me, it means a few things. First and foremost, to me it looks like helping those around me realize that they are known and loved by God. The transformation that occurs when you grasp that Jesus died for you because he loves you despite your sin and your shortcomings is amazing. Also, understanding how much you are loved by Him helps you to be able to love others. In the world we live in now, everyone can be shown a little extra love. When I talk about my goal to encourage, empower, and help women feel confident this is the root of that. A cute dress, perfect skin, a wonderful husband, the best workout routine will not sustain your confidence and encouragement. Only Christ can do that. When He is our foundation then we can build from there. Living Golden also looks like supporting and encouraging others. I hope to do this with both my followers and other small businesses. In the brands that I carry in Living Golden, I try to also support other small businesses. I carry the brands The Foggy Dog, Clay & Bloom, Nat + Noor, Polished Prints, and Jenessa Wait that are other small business owners just like me.

Going back to clothes, I am a small business owner and my lifestyle can look a little different than most. I spend a lot of my days working from home and comfy clothes are a must for me! But I also have the days where I have multiple meetings with clients and need to look nice + professional, but I can still show my personality with fun clothes. I have other days where I am onsite at a wedding and need to look very professional, but still have functional clothing. Each day can look different for each one of us, a small business owner, stay at home mama, working professional, etc. My goal is to be able to provide you with clothes that fit your everyday lifestyle! I want to create a community of women who might not have the same daily schedules, look alike, or be from the same place, but can come together and support and encourage others.

With this blog, I also want to touch on some other parts of my life and your life. Like I mentioned earlier, I'm a dog mama. Maverick is my pride and joy (and he was literally part of the inspo for this company) and you can expect to see some blog posts about him, tips + tricks for dog mamas, etc. You might also see some posts on workouts, recipes, travel, and other lifestyle posts. I don't claim to be an expert on these subjects, but they're ways of connecting with other women and sharing about daily aspects of life.

You reading this post means so much to me. I hope you were able to see my heart behind this brand and realize that it's so much more than just selling clothes. Thank you so much for your support! When you shop small, comment on an Instagram post, send a DM, read a blog post, there is a real person doing a happy dance! You are making a difference and an impact on what Living Golden is able to do! 



  • Posted by Regan Walsh on

    I love the WHY behind your beautiful, small business! I’m a busy mama, doula, and photographer so I love a good one-stop-shop. Being able to find versatile clothes and accessories from one boutique while supporting small business…there’s just no downside! I absolutely LOVE everything I’ve ordered and can’t wait to see what new things are arriving next!!!

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